FASHIONABLE MlXLUYEIty. IV EW BOOKS Just published and for sale by JS. WATERS, J. II Aid Keform Your Tailors' Bills. Tremendous Ruth for the Cheap Clothing and Furniture (roods.
Spring Raglans, $7 60; Over 'Sit. 50; tine Business Coats, fine Cassimor Punts iom to 84; fine Satin and Silk Vests, 2 5X Hoys' Clothing in orpnt rhfjinpr itian nareiirs can liny tire PLAN OF APPOINTMENTS for Preaching in the Aiethodist Kpisoapal Churches of ISaltiinre city for the vear 1857-'8, with the names and residence a of the i.isters price i2Ji nts. Published and Kale by ISAAC COOK, No. 70 Baltimore ARMSTRONG BMKRY, No. 15S Bltiin-re -iif et.
Chevalier Ilulse-ln; the Austrian minister, is making arrange-n ciit- for an absence of four months in Kurape. Ibishrcd 11. Ilowa'd has been appointed post-inoster at 111., vice Bernard Gray. The lu mber of land warrants issued during the piesent month, under the act of 1835, is over i reouiring nearly half a million acres of I', '1MIE NEW YORK LEDGER. I CIRCULATION 320.001 WEEKLY.
NEXT WEEK'S NUMBER May 9tii this popular jouriial. contains the of a beautifully written and fasch.ntinj Story lrom the of Dr. S. P. Rronson, entitled THE WIDOW OF TOLEDO A tale of "Low Birth and Ir THE WILD KNIGHT; or, The Unknown Crusader A tale of Germany in the Days of the Empire by Sylvanus Cobb.
Jr. THE WIFE'S CONQUEST A tale of fti 1 Retribufi bv HpmvEski e. RESH FERN LEAVES-by Fanny Fern. FOREST SKETCHES, with Illustrations -ay Colonel Walter P. Dunlap.
Si-rourney. LITTLE BLACKSMlTI-bv AI103 Cary. LIFE by Emma Alice Brown. DEATH by C. D.
CURRENT ITKSH WIT ND 1IUMOS. READY THIS MORNTNtt PRICE FOUR CENTS. THE NEW YORK LEDGER is koUI bv all News Dealers and Newsboys in every town atu village in the State. FOUR CENTS A COPY, or TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, delivered in any part of the city. HENRY TAYLOR'S, 1 Sun Iron' Bttlotn'S.
at hi rril-2i, ion Fayette street. MRS. C. E. BROWN A 1 1'! F. Thii Dim siinerior s'-ek SPRING AND SUMMER MILLIN ERY. at her rooms. Coiner of Cnarl. and Lexington sts. MISSES BENNETT.
Skrn the st.inH r.rinrlr- HTrc Having ts Ww.2ar's) ii5MUl.HF.RRy WILL OPEN SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, On WEDNESDAY MORNING. May 6th. at ia o.ilojk. rni-Ui MRS. C.
nee.r Hanover street, on SATURDAY Moll 1 vo.May 2d; also, a great variety of STRAW BON-NETS, at very low prioea. ml-fuf -rx GRAND OT'ENING OF Kj SUMMER MILLINERY. MRS. L. GOLDF.M1ERG, No.
67 Br ti-more aliove Gay, will open her extensive collection of PAR IS SUMMER MILLINERY on SATURDAY, May 2d. Out of town Dealers can be supplied with PATTERNS. ml-2tr MRS. YOUNG WILL OPEN FRENCH MILLINERY AT 2i5 BALTIMORE STREET, TP STAIRS, a3n-3t On SATURDAY MORNING. 2d.
MRS. C. MO. I'AliUK will optiu Fasnion-O'-jJiWe SUMMER MILLINERY on Tuursday, 3v April 30th. and Friday and Sittird.av, the 1st arid 2d May, at 139 N.
5 Bairuiiore hand a inoMt magnilicent as4otlnen of French HATS AND MILLINERY GOODS at her Show Rofin above the Store. Country Milliners and Merchants will be. supplied with Pattern Bonnets anl Materials on reaonalia terms. N. B.
Grand Opening of Summer Millinery 011 Friday and Saturday next. a -im- MRS. HECHT. No 95 NORTH GAY STREET. Formerly TJ Baltimore street, WILL OPRJf SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY ON SATURDAY.
APRIL llth. ai-t. MISS F. HALLER. No.
417 WEST BAL TIM ORE has constantly on hand a lart and well selected assortment of Soring and Sum mer BONN ETS. She 13 able to satisfy everr order Which may be conferred to her. a4-tM3f MRS- GOLDENBERG. 147 Le Tine ton iJexiiiiuton Monday, tlie otli every day foiiow-mg, French Millinery, low prices. Alii liners served with Goods and Millinery Material, wholesale I-j cheaper than any other place.
ap4-lmS AND SUMMER FASHIONS FO "ri S.17. itllxd. A. ttl tll, i0.3'jAYSTRKB'?. 1 r.
i.t: i4ili ir i now lor CA. in i tuu one of most hea.iuiful stacks of HATS and MIL L1NERY GOODS. She would solicit a call fro 13 her frieads fie in'-! general. msi-ifii CONS FA fil.E'S SA EE. By virtusofa writ of hri ins, issued by Wm.
11. ward. one of the of trie Paeeof the Suite of Maryland, ii. anoPior Hattimorecil at the suit of Win. H.
Vanrierford against tii 'goods and chatties, iandsaui ttnioeiitsof Henry G. Wiihs. to ni3 direetei. 1 have seized and taken execution a'l the right, title, interest, property, claim ana demand, at law and in equity, of th? f-aid Henry G. Wittis and toa story Brick HOUSE i'i Haiiover street.
31 dour om Cross street. Anil hereby give notice that on the22ddayof May, at four o'clJck in th AFTERNOON, I will offer lor the said property, so seized "md taken in execution, by Public Auction, to th highest bidder for cash, on the premises. mt-eol ao A I. V. Const able.
H. MYERS. Having been thoroughly repaired, is now raining regularly durin-r the Day aui Niht between Port De posit and Bell's Ferry. ml-2m NO HUMBl At HAKftiKS Vtr mle Retail Snoe Store. No.
67 EUTAW corner of Saratoga, nmy be seen a large s'oeicof Ladies', Misses' and Work, fane and plain, all of the ve brst and workmanship, and warn; rife 1 to be ns alcove represented, gotten up unlsr my own supervision. Indies wishing a handsome ar-tic in my line will do to give me a caii, s.3 1 intend mniit ig prices to suit the tiine3. Also a larje as-ortment of Geutlemen's and Riy Plain and Fancy Work, uotten up in the samsrvlf. EUTAW STREET. ml-tm; DR.
N. PALNTEK. late of S. C- ChimvtiJisL. hi5i services tt tiie citizens of Baltimore and viciiiit for the remo-al of Corns.
Bu i -iisnnd Nails whioh penetrate flesh. These painful excrescences are ex purga'ed by himreadii). free of naio to the suderT, the patient being able to resume shoe in tire or tM minutes, nnd walking immediately without mcocvenience. Ad Iress a note or call at hi- OFFICE, N'v. 21 Monvm-nt Square, opposite the Oilmor House.
Office hours, 8 to 10 A. M. anl 3 to 7 P. M. myl-3m'I WATCHES! WATCHES! you want a good Tim-piece at a very low fcM price, or if vour atcn wanU repairing, call OS W5L B.
LARMOUR, No. 10 LIGHT STREE'F, opposite the Fountain Hotel, where a large assortmec Of the latest patterrnsol JEWELRY SILVER AJSJ ALBATA WARE is oonstAritiy to be found. ml L'ri Jyy GEO. W. WEBB, Kyi S.
E. comer Baltimore and Charles struU. IcJ Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in FINE WATCHES, RICH JEWELRY, SILVER. AND PLATED WARE. AND FANCY ARTi-UjjtS, lias now and is daily opening new and beautiful gootls, to which he invites the attention cf eers.
ml-tftr f.x JOHN A. GK1FFTH, Would invite the attention of his custom fMrand strangers to his SUPERIOR OlTALITIEi STYLES of CLOTHS, and VESTINGS, selected in the difierent markets, and which be will Manufacture to order in ib best possible manner, having superior Cutters ia th various departments of his business. 4 Larei ASSORTMENT OF FINE CLOTHING READY-MADE. No. 1E7 BALTIMORE STREET, tMi9or end IX LIGHT ST.
MUARE GRAND PIANO-FORTES. fT; i-fi V-'e have on stle, just received from one ol tne est rianiifictories. six 'JRAND PI NOS. of splendid tone r.iui fine touch believed ta be" very superior, ami are offered at verv jr ce. if ap -p' v.
1 T. TT. C- Ncs. 1, 5 and 7 NORTH EUTAW ST Opposite tne Eutaw House, rjvealRo a NEW SALES-ROOM 207 Baltimore street. Between Charles and Light streefs, Jn the premises occupied in part oy Mr.
Henry Cailrey. as a Music Store, Where he Bhall -nstantiy on hand a fine sseor ment ot and Square PIANO-FORTES AND MELODF.ONS. Bomg extensively engaged in the business I sail either Wholesale or Tletail on tne aceomiii-J-dating terms. Ali Instruments of my Manufacture are guaraat for five years. trr-particular attention is paid to the selection at INSTRUMENTS for distant orders, and a privilcvi of exchange granted at any time within six mouths from the risT of sale.
u- ui a i .1. 1 i .1 ii i i 1 1 i I I 'the most beautiful loned PIANOS, from the factory of Nunns Sc Clark, that have ever been in this market. These instruments have been finished expresdy for the subscrilier's sales. The tone is full, deep, and exquisitely sweet, and the hammers bem thickly coated, this beauty of feme will be permanent. Those seeking a first-class Piano, and who wdl devote a little time and attention to examine for themselves these instruments, will certainly find that they are now, in every respect, the most perfect and bos'.
Pianos to be had. The prices are no higher than inferior instruments Belhngfor. For sale only BFXTEEN No. 181 Baltimore street, sod ml-tfr: 84 Fayette street, near Ctiartea. OAKR1AGES.
THE UNDERSIGNED. havm erestlT enlarged tneir premises and increased tneT facilities, bes leave to call the attention oi the puot to their extensive stock of every desenptwu of CARRIAGES, finished th9 most eiegant yle ana dttra ble manner, whioh they are prepared to sen on aooorjs-incdatiiig terms. Eepairs atteaded to witb and at reasonable priees JOHN CUR LETT SON my7fr S3 North BaKinit-y roir? CAKK1AGES! 'rXTSsThv Bi'hserilej has jusi opened ins NE J3 -CAKKIAii HcirOsriUB SOUTH GAY STREET, opposite the Exchams, where the largest and best assormieut of CAR I A E5 can be found in the city. Persons will find it to that interest to give me call, as I am determined to low for cash or approved credit at six montiie. All work sold at mv Repository warranted for twav mouths.
Old Carriiiges repaired at short notice, taken in exchange for new vnes. tfr WILLIAM McCANW. i-ph CHOICE BEEF. The umlersigu-ed having piuchased a superior lot o( iSj CATTLE from Mark Bartlesoa, rrri Farm. Harford county, which ft1 1 they will offer for sale at their Stalls.
Nos.17 nnd 19 CENTRE MARKET on SATURDAY MORNING NEXT, the 2d May. ml-St. K1MBERLY BROTHERS, INDEPENDENT GREYS Attend a sp-eis! meeting of the Company, THIS Friday) N1NG, at 8 o'clock. Also meet for Parade nn Escort duty, in on MONDAY EXT. 4M, inst at U-o'cik P.M.
By order. JNO. GIBSON. So. NO.
1- Theornsers and members attached to Uia First Liglit Cavalry Renmeat M. V. will ..1.1,1 Mtmnrx Hal'. I street, on ikR'DAY EVEN-NG, May 1st. I57.
e.t a o'clock, toeiecta MjoRorderof a29-3t fGerCorl Colonel of First C. R. M.V. are ordered to assemble for and Lombard streets, on MONflAl NEXT, May 4. at 1 o'clock P.
MHB -dero. low "Wm. II. Ptrx. Adiutant.
np3 AULT'S CELEBRATED ENGLISH comer of Calvert and Water Kin- Balt imore. N. B. SEEDS put up ior r. s.
ifA? a selected ooliection tioioe KN2Terl FLOWER SbiEDS, emaraiin Actors, Bauu. i a SStol i0 BArL AULT 80S- Mb Si HEADQUARTERS FIRST Rb TL EN LI rT ARTILLERY M. V. Jg2 BAI.T.MORR. Aprd 28.
mi. -Order No. Vsf rr. AnmnCn oa r-imnnhinir this RftZimM nent ol knolish uAtiw 'rAfrVn iifcrt part of AULT'S PRELUM fUTDJKH CABBAGE, AULT'S EARLY UAWjV ORK BULLOCK HEART, LABOhDRVM TOKT r-lNA Early Dlo! TURN-fp- EXTRA EARLY, EARLY and LATE OE S- with all other SEE1S in our nf the same superior vunu 241 Baltimore street. THE NEW LONDON PHARMACOPOEIA Ti anslated by J.
EDGAR FOE'S POETIC A ORIvS-1 me Ii- lustrations. 1 nine: Eoiidon ANCIENT EGYPTIANS, AN i) EG 1 HAN I ROG LY PHS Colored Piates. I volume; PIEliS' PLOUGHMAN'S VISION" AND CREED 2 volumes: Lon-ii-n. LARDNER'S MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART Complete ia six volumes: London. A PRACTICAL 'TREATISE ON GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANT'S vol.
75 cents. THE TESTIMONY OF THE ROCKS By Hugh Miller. A further supply. THE DAYS OF MY LI FE Bv theauthorof "Mar- garet Maitland." A further supply. I'S CONSECRATION OF TWO BlsiIOr'S.
Notwithstanding the rapid strides of Catholicity in this country, a want has liccn long and sort ly felt that our newspapers are not so well suited for general cir-culiition as those of other denominations; that while they give ecclesiastical news of our own and ptner countries, they entires overlook the fact that what is necessary for Catholic, as well as others to possess, is a Family Paper. This desideratum is now being supplied by an elegant and IieautifuHy printed sheet, fuli'of mutters interesting to all, ranging "From grave to gay. From lively to severe;" embracing Oeirisal Talks of the most powerful nnd interestiiigdescriptions, Sketches, Poetry an Editorials from the pens of tiie most distinguished Catholic laviuen in the country. while at the sirne time is offsred the eariier.t and most, reliable, accounts uf tkd prozres of Catholicity at home and abroad, and to efl'ect this no cost is spared. Thus there will be found a a accurate and extensive report of the proceedings attendant upon the consecration of the Coajutor Bisii-of Philadelphia and the lirst Bishop of Alton, wlucii occurred on Sunday last, in Cincinnati, together wi'h otiier matters iritercstins, in this para son of Newspa-rapers.
Call at. HENRY TAY LOR'S. Sun Bunding, on Friday mormm-. and cU for THE CATHOLIC HERALD AND VISITOR. MUSIC.
HIfD BY henry McCaffrey, No. 207 Baltimore street. I Car.n ot I ove A notl lcr. 'Tis said Thou Deem'st I do rot Love." Good Songs with Easy Accompaniments.) ap 30-3tr APPLETON'S ILLUSTRATED RAILWAY AND STEAM NAVIGATION GUIDE. One volume, square 300 pages, Prioe 25 ce.its, or S'l per annum; with "0 maps.
The Alay number will contain a new Steel Plate Map on a new plan, worth alone the pric iof the book. Two edit ions are published each month. Each number ooiita-ns new reading matter, combining the lea-tores of a Magazine with that of a Railway Guide. Libera! terms to dealers, asents on cars, ticket agents. Ac.
D. A FPL ETON Publishers, ml-lffr fU5sndai3 Broadway. TATOW fry wa ehouse i3 SAMUEL E. TURNER, No, 3 SO UTH CHA RLES SJ'REET, Baltimore. Keeps constantly for sale at lowest prices: COUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY of ail kinds and of the best quality.
LETTER, NOTE AND CAP PAPERS, in great variety. WRAPPING PAPER. BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ACCOUNT BOOKS, of every pattern, made to order at the shortest notioe, and warranted in evert' rt-spert. ml-eotli- THE BONY FINGER OF DEATH has set ita seal upon manv a fair forehead in punishment lor neglect.
Wliv will the young neglect the Coid anl the Cough; they are as surely the pioneers of Consumption as day is tne forerunner of nidit. Do not neglect the slightest Couch: it comes in the springtime of life, the busy sower of disease. Meet it with MRS. GARDNER'S INDIAN BALSAM OF LIVERWORT AND HOARHOUND and it is well; it will d-part in-sumtcr. Give it no cordial greeting, it will hang around and finally alarm vou of its when forever too late.
This celebrated medicine is sold by "Weeks St. Potter, 154 Washington street, Boston, General Agents. Price 5 oents per bottle. For sale bv SETH S. HANCE, No.
1 Baltimore street, and SWEETSER corner Charles and Pratt strsets. H- ANCE'S SARSAPARILLA, VEGETABLE OR BLOOD PILLS, FOR PURHYIN(x THE BLOOD. Baltimore, July 2), ia3. This is to certify that I whs afflicted witii a oain in the breast and right arm, which, I suppose, proceeded from the impure state ot ny blixid. I recommended to take Hance's Sarsnparilla cr Bleo-i Pills, and after taking one box tha pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm.
I found them extremely gentle in their operation, and would reomn-mend them to every person In want of a mild purgative. Patrick Roche. No. 23 Conway between Howard and Eutaw. In purchasing these Pills let me add ONE WORD OF CAUTION, Also ask for HANCE'S PILLS, and purehis of none but those advertised as agents, and if convenient call and see the proprietor himself.
For sale bv SETH S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore and SWEETSER corner of Charles and Pratt streets. Price 25 cents per box, 01 5 for 91. INSURANCE A GEN JOHN G. PROUD Sr SONS.
OFUCE S3 SECOND STREET, Opposite the Town Clock; jETN" INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, Capital and Aocu-muta'tons PHIENIX lNrR ANCE COMPANY OF 1IART-1-OR CONNECTICUT, Capital and Acquit, nlntiw-s 512.000. SPRINGFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital and Accumulations 14 BRIDGtl'ORT INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital MONARCH INSURANCE COMPANY, LON DON, Capital, S2.m.!CW. bv Tnistees in New York 15a.nio. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, Capital and Accumulations 'asvtf ryso CONTRACTORS. PRO POS A LS FOR I BUILDING A NEW JAIL FOR SOMERSET COUNTY, MD Scaled proposals will be received at th ofilce of the Cornmisioners for Somerset in Princess Anne, Marvland, un'i! the 16th DAY of JUNE NEXT, to build a new iail in said town, auref-ab'y to the plan, and in the maimer pre scribed 'by drnwirs, plans, elevations and sections of tlie proposed Jail 'alluded to in sp--cifications.
wnich can seen at the office of S. T. COULBOURNE, No T2li South s'rect, lwlv's wharf. Baltimore, until the day of MaY NEXT, aid after-ards at tiie Commissioners' office. jn P--inees Amie.
For further information, address the "CoTimis sioi-ers for Somerset county," at Princess Anne, Ma it land. ISA A T. MARSH ALL, JOHN W. CAR EW. Commissioners.
GEORGE Vv. HITCH. a' POST-OFFICE, Baltimore. Aprii, its, 1857. The flowing is the SCHEDULE of tn hours for CLOSING and ARRIVAL of the principal MAILS at this office: EAST.
Closes. 7.10. a. r.i. Sc 5.15 p.
m. I S. a. m. and 1, 4.30 p.m.
WEST. 5 a. m. and 5.30 p. m.
I 3. so, 10.3 a.m.,V5.5 p.m. PITTS15URG. 6.15 a. m.
and 8.30 p. in. I 1 o. m. and 6.45 p.
m. SOUTH. 3 a. m. and S.30 6,15 p- m' 3 3 a 1.30 3.3 I Sc TB.S3ara.
6.15 p.m. ANNAPOLIS. 8 a. m. ant! 3.30 p.
m. I 8 a. m. and 6. 15 p.m.
Office open on and after 1st May at. 7 clock, a. m. closo 1st May at 7 o'oiock, p. m.
Open on Sunday from 9 to 1 n. m. BP30 st? JOHN MORRIS, P. M. REMARKABLE CURE OF RHEUMA TISM.
BY USING KRAMER'S DR. HE WES' NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT. READ THE FOLLOWING From a Well-Kxown Citizen of Baltimore: Mr. Kramer: Dear Sir: This is to certify that I have used your Nerve and Bone Liniment, anil it has entirely cured me of Rheumatism. I was afflicted sorely for twelve years, and tried a great many medi ernes, but could get no relief until I came across your Liniment.
It has done wonders for me. I wish I had it in mv power to give every person who is suffering a bottle of it, for it is the best tiling in use for Rheumatism. It should be generally known, and I feel coon-dent it would be appreciated by the afflicted. Yours, very respectfully, JEREMIAH BURMA N. It is the best Liniment in use for sprains, bruises and contracted limb, take down swellings and give relief.
Certificates of Cures may le seen in the pamphlet. Price onlv 25 cents per bottle. frj-1'heVirtue our Liniment having become so weUknown, it has induced persons to steal the name. Persons should therefore particular tfrnt thv get KRAMER'S HOWES' NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT, as it ia tlie only genuine. Prepared and eld, wholesale and retail, by the Proprietors, S.
R. KRAMER Comer Pratt street and Bowly's wharf, Baltimore, Md. For sale bv all the Druggists and Country Stores in the United States. ap4 eolm: rnHK MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and intermediate plaoes, and the WASHINGTON AND NEW ORLEANS TELEGRAPH Direct, including Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Richmond, Petersburg, Wilmington, Raleigh, Columbia, Charleston, Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Columbus, Montgomery, Mobile, with stations at intermediate points. Baltimore Office Sun Iron Building, S.
E. cor. Baltimore and South streets. Washington Office Corner Office of National Hotel Building. THE MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Having its Two Routes and Six Wires Between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing tan, in July last eased the Washington and New Orleans Telegraph line of Wires, running direct through and connecting the Southern Cities and Towns of the Atlantic States to New Orleans, and have expended large amounts in rebuilding, reinsulating and improving the condition of the lines, to renderthem substantial, reliable and efficient for the PROMPT.
RAPID AND CONTINUOUS TRANSMISSION OF DISPATCHES. The Magnetic Telegraph connects at New York with all the most rohable lines" running North and East, and dispatches are received and promptly transmitted from this office to all points North, East and and Southwest of Baltimore J.KENDALL, ftl5-3m. freneral Superintendent. BANK OF COMMERCE, Bamimosk April 22m 1857. The Stockholders are hereby notified that a General Meeting will be held at the AN K-1NG HOUSE on MONDAY, the nih day of Juno next, at 12 o'clock for the purpose of considering the propriety of reducing the number of ths Di-reo'ors, as provided fo- in rhe third section of the act of 1853, chapter 441, entitled "An-Act to continue the oorporate existence of the Banking Institutions therein mentioned." By o'der, 8.22 law6w EO.
C. MILLER Cashier. DR. MANONl'S EAST INDIA PILLS. The only effectual -emedy for female irregularities the world Married ladies sliould bo oautious in the use of these pills during prfljnanoy.
Forwarded ti any part of the world with full directions, npon the receipt of two dollars. Acdress DR. MAN ON I. Box 1426 Philadelphia r-osl -office. a 30 St RI, O.
OF O. F. ICHLY EMBROIDERED Encampment and 6th degre Odd Fellows' REGALIA; Mastar Masons aad Rotal Are Masons' Buntmg Sdk Fla ftoid and Silver Bullion Fringes; Laoes; Stars, itc, at the Flag aad ReUa Stor 3 North Gayst. 13-tf E. G1HB3.
BAL11MORK, FRIDAY, MAY 1, lSlPtAri'Li Isstitvte. Itisa popular and aotivn that Hie Peabeily IiislHutesIiould 1 aveuccntiLl location. According to the of cites before the committee we da not see 4 to iiidut the belief Hint such a notion i- il by them. Instead of a centripetal, V( support- that they were subject only ifusal induem-os. The nearest approac-U I ccr.t-e et uis to be the Baltimore College lot in JlulVcrrv shot omioi the Cathedral a 4i rxV.tkn doi.tdU'.s for an institute or public Li if soit.
but without mucli claim to cev.U.sV.ty c-f r-oslUoii. In some cases we find tuv ii iuir nway to tlie extremities of tL rify, ai.d the old reservoir lot. somewhere 1 Bait! mere and York county; the corners and Charles and Madison and; the Paik frtu-et nvitine.y lot. and other ally eligible and mitral localities tip for the Miaiket. Possibly, la a century or two, if the city shou'd r.ot happen to '-crop out' by superio1" attrition towards.
Philadelphia or Washington, tUoe locations may tlitir vvay to a centre. Bt.t the anti-popular notion seems to be that put the Peabody Institute where you will, it will be the ctntre of the city by the force of attraction, gravitation and something else. A very creditable theory. But, suppose ten or twenty years hem somebody should take a fancy to give us million or two for a similar purpose, then we should have upon the same theory twro centres to one circumference, two suns in one system. Here would be a jostling and perturbation of system and satellites wonderful to behold, and far more disastrous to our glorification than the comet of the 13th of June will be even to the lilies of the field.
But as we abjure the theory, we dismis.s the conjecture. Further, there is abroad, how current or prevalent we know not, a vague idea that ill supply us with ati institution that willchal-lerg-e the cdn.iratior. of the world. Nothing less than a whole square will satisfy some folks, and accordingly they talk of going out of town and setting up a horticultural exploit in connection With the affair. Why not an agricultural college Slid manual labor farm? Others contemplate an imposing edifice infinitely beyond the capacity of the donation.
And so forth. Let us get at a rational and practical idea of the thir.g. The leading considerations are the location and of the lot; the style and appropriateness of the buildiug; and the sufficiency of the residue of the funds to supply it with the useful and ornamental accessories proposed by the donor. We have to go upon. It is intimated that more may be forthcoming We do net know what ground there is to expect it.
At ail events we must speak as the committee Miiist act. irrespective of all contingencies, and ith jfCOO-OOO as the limit of resources for the occasion. At the outset we look directly lo a rntral position, and by way of a suggestion, not ithout the conviction that it is a good one too. we name Monument Square. Say the east side, opposite the court bouse.
Here is an open space. It is not desirable for residences. It is public cerd'al pccessible. Not much of a thoroughfare for vehicles after night. Always sufficiently sittractive to stiangers, and affording a position in which architectural display might be indulged lo great advantage.
There, the Pcabody Institute might indeed be made an ornament of the City and have a prominence worthy of the liberal t.p:i it of its fontiider. Ye have no idea what the property now standing there could be bought for we do not know to whom it belongs. But say one house would Ue wanted, or two or three. Let the amount be some guide to the extent of purchase, si. ihis again subject to the sum reserved for pi tting -up the building.
The size of the building not exhaust too large an amount of the funds in its election or ornamentation. The provision of a libraiy, picture gallery, statuary, Ac-will require a liberal sum. Therefore at the outset we feel that the design must be controlled by strcrig restraints of common sense and experience; or the committee will be involved in con-equi nccs which will make the Peabody Institute a Baltimore '-Folly." New Cent. The Philadelphia mint will begin or, the 23h day of May to pay out cents of the new issue, in exebane for Spanish and Mexican dollar, 2.5, and C.V cent pieces, and at the remittal rates, or in cxehinge for the copper cent new in circulation. Fersons applying will be attended to in order, daily, between the lours of nine and two o'clock.
The silver or copper oins must be presented ia even sums of live dollars, and for the present not exceeding fifty dollars. The diiector of the mint says: Suth pieces of silver as are mutilated or so much worn as to be illegible, or as have any appearance of being rouhtei f'it. will not be received for the new cents; but packages containing the same may be exc hanged at ano'hr office in the mint for silver corns of the United States. To prevent uncertainty as to what parcels (containing mutilated pieces or such as are worn J-mooth) will be rejected, it may be staled that if live dollars, by count, of quarter dollars, shall outweigh S-1 (-0 of United States siiver coins of the piesent standaid; or if the same amount, by count, cf eighths, slnll outweigh 1 50; or if the same count of sixtcrntis sha'l outweigh 4 of, they shall be received at their nominal value in exchange for the new cents; and may ave disappointment if holders will ascertain this V-tfore ottering theui. which may readily be done I'V 'he use of an ordinary balance.
Statk Library. On the -23d ult. 1.. Boyle, made a formal demand of Win. Esq for the delivery to him of the possesion of the State Library, to the charge of which he Lad been elected by the list Legislature.
Mr. H. refused to accede to the dftnand. and Mr-Bole is about to take measures to obtain possession. Mr.
Ilarwood, it will be remembered, refused, on certain legal grounds, to yield the office in Aprii, IS'T. to Mr. Marshall, who was chosen fcy tht Legislature to succeed him. During the hole term for which Mr. Marshill was elected tlie legal questions involved were in one form or lefore the courts, and on the 23d ult.
the 'ifin for which Mr. Boyle was chosen Mr. Ilarwood has held the office since April, 1303. Jrr-GE Mason's Si ccessob According to the Annapolis Gazette the Governor doubts his power to fill the vacancy on the bench of the Maryland Court of Appeals caused by the resignation of Judge Maor, because the constitution says such eppointment must lie made by and with the advice and consent cf the Senate. Be this as it may, the Govetr.oi can only fill the vacancy until the ejection in November next, whn a new judge vi jlibe cho-en by the 7100 pie.
of the first judicial district, composed of Allegany. Washington. Fredeiiek, Carroll, Harford and Britimore counties. or Poison-. The Danville (Pa.) Ameri.
can says that a post-mortem examination of Mr. Montgomery, the member of Congress lately de ceased, exhibited extensive abrasion of the mu. cous or lining coat of the stomach, and the entire destruction of the membrane, both at the cardiac nd pyloric orifice, with a general loss of tone, or disorganization of the thoracic and abdominal viscera. The physicians ascribe his death t0 poison. Mr.
Montgomery stopped at the National Hotel. Washington, during the inauguration. Gen. QriTMAX. The Union states that the proposed testimonial of the U.
S. army offices to Gen. Quitman has been as it might wear some apjearance of indelicacy, or give some gToritid for cavil. Gen. Scott's letter, it further ttates, was merely intended as an expression of ffraritude and affection for Gen.
Quitman on tke part of the officers of the armv. Littles-tows Railroad. On Friday las the stockholders of the Litflestown Itailroatl located the depot at Littlestown, and on Tuesday last they located the road. This road will be pushed ahead with energy to its final completion. Sale of a Farm.
The farm of Col. John JBeyton, on the Fatuxent river, Calvert county was recently f-old to George It. Williams at fifty-dollars per acre, an indication that land is going up in that county. Iowa Lash Sales. The Washington star 5 ays the public lands from sale next xnonth in Iowa, consist of only one township.
JjyWm. H. Koller is appointed postmaster at Stablersville, Baltimore county, in place of Joseph S. Stewart, who resigned, being about to leave the place. Floral Fair.
The lovers of Hie beautiful gifts o-riorft and who is there that would not be esteemed o(-that character have a fie opportunity for th indul. genee of their taste at the Floral Fair to-day and tomorrow, holding at the Constitutional Presbyterian Church, on the corner of Green and Gerrn tn streets. JBesic'es bouquets and pot-flowers, the U'lies also offer many tafttefui and utel'ul articles of their liaodieiaft. Tue MrsECM, This eveninK the new at'raction, JVIii-s Alfredela will appear in Bulwer's ipular play of "The Lady of Lyons," in which as Paulina bh will be sustained by Mr. S.
K. towns as Claua Melnotte. A dance Aliss Kmcade, end the will ole with the of 'lTas I'ough Diamoiid," "materials at. Lowman's Cheap Emporium, 195 Baltimore street, alxive Li'it. Baltimore Museum.
Extra A'tracinn. Triumphant Success 01 the talentea Groe Al.fREIiETA. Hit the AVie Stork Company. This (Friday Kvening, -y 1st, 1V7, Will be performed 'Bulwer's cele'orated pt.iy, eatirlea The Lady of l.vos; Or, Loir and Pride. Pauline Miss Alfredeta.
Ciaude Mcinotte Mr. S. E. Browne. First Time in BalMtrure.
Fancy Dance kneade. To conclude with the fares ot The Rough Diamond. Margery Mrs. Geo. Lingard.
Hollidat Street Theatre. Benefit and Last Appearance but one of Miss Maggie Mitchell, When the pei lbrmance of Three Brill inn Will preser.t. tills etifrea Slid Beautiful Young Artiste in Six Characters: Sustained by our Entire Company. This (Friday) Evening May la.j7, To commence with The Marble Heart! Presented for the last ti nna positively. Marco Miss Maggie Mitchell To be followed bv the comic drami of Katty O'Shikl.
Katty O'Phtel Miss Masg'e Mitchell. She will sing the beuitiful mm. l'2r'fit to Luck;" and Danes an 'Irish JJS. To conclude with the pecn'iar Faice of AMUOXV ASD 1 ITOrATRA. Cleopatra Mi Ma rgie Mitchell.
Anthony Mr. Stuart Robson. Afternoin Performance Saturday. Commencing at 2)4 o'clock, for the convenience ot Families and Children, ilfr. Edwin.
Forrest is Encased. Thk Bear-Woman remains only to-day and to -monow 011 exhibition at tha Maryland and all who are anxious to see her will do well to avail of this last opportunity. Excursion Party for Japan and China will sUrt this evening at 0 1. M. Temperanee Temple.
Kxcur-gioTi tickets St MARRIED. On the 30th ultimo, by Rev. Dr. J. G.
Morris. CO LUMBI WELSH to Miss ELLEN WEBB, both of Carroll county. "On Tuesday. 2Pth ultimo, bv Rev. M.
Golien, JAMES A. K1RBY to Miss JOANNA L1PPEV lofh of this city. JJl ED, On flic afternoon of the 3otli ultimo, CATHARINE, in the SMi year other age, relict of the late Jacob Billinvcr. Tne lends and relative? of the Pivnily ar? respectful invited to attend her funeral, on to-morMW (Si-turdii moniin at tea o'clock, from the rediddncs of ugh Deval ui, No. 4(3 Norl li Front On th 301 li ultimo, at his residence on Saratoga street, FRANCIS J.
i)A LAM, aged 7" years. His funeral wil. tnke place on this Frid-iy after noon, at five o'clock, at his farm in Harford to which his friends are respectfully invited. On Thursday, ultimo, HELKN C. a-ed .16 years, 1 month aid 22 days, youngest daughter ot il-liam J.and Pamphilion.
May she rest in peace. Howard County Gazeite please copy, Her funeral will take pkico on tins Friday afternoon, at thre o'clock, from the residence of her mother. No.2H Hanover street. On theaoih utrmo MARY CATIIARIVE, agei 21 months, daughter of Patrick and Cnllen. The friends and acquaintance of tiie family are invited to attend her funeral, on this (atur-cay afternoon, at four o'clock, from the residence of father.
No. 84 N. Liberty street. On Wednesday alternoo'n, 29th ultimo, JONATHAN GOUDY. in the 57th 5 ear of his age.
The riends and acquaintance of the faimly are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, on (Friday morning, at half-past ten o'clock, from his late residence. No. 23 South foppleton street. On ttie morning of th? 30in ultbnj, iiNF.V'I EVE. nzed 4 years and 3 months, daughter of Orlandi (J.
and Sarah A. White. At- aige! came to gather flowe-s To dtck ttie throne of Heaven. The fairest and the loveliest God to earth hid given. Tlie relatives and friends of tke family respr-cfr fuiiv invited to a'tend her fuiral, on tiiiS Fnd-ty at-teiiTi.
at three o'clock, from the residence of her en' tid father. (Charles Klassn.No. 123 Kmawst. On the S8t i ltimo CHARLES CLIFFORD, ad 2 months ai 2 days, sucoxid sou oi Gore C. and Cat ha rice A Rose.
Ai Marn- Hospital, New Orleans, Jannarv last. WILLIAM HANOV JK VKIXS.of Uiltimire, azed 56 years. papers please py. POSTPONEMENT. The ORATORIO OF LA 2he Last r.f the tinlfmtr on the Cross, -will lie rus 1 1'U.
hit until MONJ'AY. May 4th. a3a-2tr rY NOTICE The rnemo-ro of LA.KAY-LLj? ETTE FIRE COMPANY arerqiwste.l to attend a Fr-ecial meeting the on Tills (Fri a EVENING, 1st at 8 b'cWck. Bim-nessof'lhe nnnost importance will be brought up lor their cons i aeration. Bv the Presidur.
lt MARION rv- MURRAY 1NSTI Regular LL5 Meeting of this Institute will be held THIS EVENING, at the usual tuno and piao. Question for imscussion: If Utah apply far admission into the Union, with Polygamy in her Constitution, sliould Congress, on that ground, refuse to admit her? It 3 JNO. VALENTINE. rv-J. B.
COUGH, THE CELEBRATED LL3 TEMPERANCE LECTURER, wiil Lecture on MONDAY EVENING nex.the ith oiMiv, in the VyiYERSALIST CHUKCH, corner of Pleasant and street; on TUESDAY. 5'h in the Nn.V BOOMS, Ilvrovr street; and on WEPXEsDAY. 6th May, in the UXI-VJiHSAl 1ST CHUKCH. Tne Lectures comraaic-irg at 8 These are his farewell addresses ia Bnl'imore fore his departure for Tickets Zr cents each. For sale at Arms'Tong Sc Bern 's and Isaac P.
Cork's Bookstores. CHRISTIAN KEENER. ml-1 Chairmin Ex rv-MiXHAMCAL FIRE i No. I. LL5 A SPECIAL MEETING will ha held at tlie Company's Rooms on I A May 1, at 8 o'clock P.
M. By order, J. P. STEWART. Scc'y.
f-r3 THE OR EAT WESTER EQUITABLE Lk3 BUILDING pro oft.ers deiirous of forming a BUI I. DIN i ASSO-CIATION of tlie above title, on tne Equitable an, where only Icgii interest will be charged, II meet on SATURDAY NIGHT, May 2d, at 3 oVoek, in the Frhool Room on the soutliwest corner of Pine and Patnog streets, to ndopt a Constitution, subscribe for Shres and elect Officers. a-Tt "tt VOTICE We would respectfully call tha afen-il tion of dealers to our sl of 20 I'ACKAGES TUMBLERS, to be sold THIS Friday MORNING, at 10 o'clock, at S'ore 2S S. Charles street. 'It SAM L.
J. SOPER Auots. 1IC1NSES, LICENSES. LICENSES. Go to the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, corner of Lexington and St.
Paul streets, and get vour LICENSES before the 9th of May, or pay" a fine of 24. ml-8tr' R. A. J. DALRY.MPLE OFFICE MOVED TO No.
22 SOUTH Hu ARD STREET, Near lximbard street. 'ml-eo2t If OR SALE A SCOW, suitable jl woou. ue seen at j. a. ftuiiti ROBB'S SHIP- YARD.
ml-2 50 A PPL ES. BBLS. EASTERN RUSSETS, for sal by GEKKlSti FRENCH, l-3 No. 212 Light st. 1 tl( HUcHELS NEW CROP SOUTHERN PEA NUTS, for sale by GEO.
PEARSON, No. 5 X. Liberty street. FraNuts roasted for city and country dealers at. 8c per bushel.
Coffee roast-d it60o per 100 lbs. t.Mif);r 3liii MILL FlTfTrX BUSHELS VIRGINIA MILL FEED, now lancing and for sale in lots to suit by JOS. K. BROWNE, ml-2tgr No. 5) S.
Frederick street. tJA LT 10,000 sacks G- A. SALT; 2.3 10 (.1 efferies C5 D'ArcyfhneSALT, now landing from ship Ann E. Hxper, from Liverpool, and for sale in lots to suit purchastrsby JOHX GREACEN, inl-lbt Corner of South and Pratt sts. POTATOES, POTATOES.
POTATO bushela prime MERCER PtJTATOES: 1,000 do. Nova Scotia do 2(Xi do. PIME SEED do. In lots to suit and for sale by JONES STEWART, ml 6t; No. 70 Light st "ne door from Prtt.
LOVEKSEED, FLOUR, ko. 50 bushels Prme LOVERSEED. 75 bills. Family FLOUR. 1,200 bbls.
ROSENDALE CEMENT S10 do. CALCINED PLASTER. For sale bv nil -tij CARR, G1ESE No. 21 Spear's wharf. HHIE MADEIRA WINES imported by Messrs.
Spenee Reed have been purchased by ns, and we now offer the same at auction prices, in quantities to suit purchasers. P. TIERN AN SON, ml-tfr 12 N. Charles street. IRESH PRINT AND ROLL BUTTER Received every morning from the country, 20 tubs and tubs "FRESH SPRING GOSHEV." 5 barrels fresh ROLL; must be sold to close a consignment.
Every kind of BUTTER and COUNTRY PRODUCE, wholesale and retail, at H. J. ROM WELL'S, ml-2tfr S. E. cor.
Lexington and Heart sts. FORSTER, SLACK BROWNE, Shippers and DealerR in ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL, Corner South and Lombard Sts. rol-lmr: 1 FERTILIZERS AND SEED DEPOT. I have constantly on hand all descriptions of FERTILIZERS and SEEDS, and name in part A PERUVIAN GUANO, AA MEXICAN GUANO, A MEXICAN GUANO, DE BURGS' fcUPER PHOSPHATE, BONE DUST. Ac, fee, CLOVER SEED.
TIMOTHY SEED, ORCHARD GRASS SEED, HER GRASS SEED, KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS, Sec, All of which we warrant genuine and at a small advance above cost, fo cash. Persons wanting the above articles will do well to call before purchasing else where. ROBERT TURNER, inl-4trt 47 South Frederickstreet. CHAMPAGNE An excellent article, at cents a bottle, or ft per basket for pints and 10 for qts. Philadelphia XX ALE and PORTER at 7.5 oents per dozen, llihlert's LONDON BROWN LEWIS DUN LAP, No.
13 West Balto. bet. Institute and bridge. ml-tffr rNIDER, ALE AND PORTER 50 bbls. prime draught CIDER; 200 doz.
do. in Champagne bottles; Philadelphia draught ALE, 4 50 per bbl. of 16 prallons. and Philadelphia XX Ale, do. 75o.
per also. Porter at 75o. per doz. Honey by the barrel or eallon. JNO.
HAG AN St. ml -tfr, No. 4 Water street. CHEESE. 100 boxes prime New Eastern Cutting CH EESE just received.
Prime fresh GOSHEN BUTTER, arriving daily by express, and for sale by VOSBURGH CO. 1 UTTER OF EXTRA QUALITY. We would onll the attention of tlie trade to our daily receipuof FRESH GOSHEN. Both Quality and pnoe guaranteed to please. ELLICOTT Sc HEWES, ml-tfr 69 Exonango place, opposite ostoJRoa if The copartneiship heretoloru existing under the imp and lo .11 nl H1KSTER.
BROWNE CO. dr.v DISSOLVED bv niitunl consent. MR. CHAR! FORSTER, is autuorizal to ubethename of the firm in liquid it ion. CHARLES FORSTER, T.
ii no rv WIV 'M. It. Baltimore, April 30, 1K57. ml-S'r: NOTICT- lilt. CTTART.F.s; FORSTER.
becomes a PA RTN ER in our business, which will li3ticeforlh be conducted m.derthe firm of FORM ER, SLACK 3c 15ROWNE. SLACK BROWNE. Baltimore, May 1, ltw. ml 6tr: m. FERCTOT, 34 HOLLIDAY has received na invoice of KMBROIDKRIES. she invites THE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES. '-st 31 AGNIFICENT STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, New and beautitut s'yiea. PERKINS rnl-4tlr No. 6 N. Charles street.
RUCTION SILKS ANDsir BAREGES AND BAREGE ROBES, ORGANDIES AND ORGANDY ROBES, SILK, MUSLIN, NAmFS1AWNS SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, EMBROIDERIES, LACE LINEN GOODS, Sec. The almve Goods have leen purchased at the latest and lowest auction and job lot prices, and will be so.d accordingly.vRoTHi McCREERY 4. 83 Baltimore street. TilBBONS, SILKS AND STRAW 1 1 1 1 BONNET RIBBONS, I 1 iil -Ylli BONNET SILKS AND MATERIALS ALL KIN US. STRAW BONNETS, 2d fl.vir,) BLOOMERS.
HOODS. BOYS' HATS. io. FRENCH FLOWERS great variety. Our stock is lame, ana we are selling them cheap, ARMSTRONG, CATOR 237 Baltimore street, ml tfr' 4fh dvJor ywi of diaries street.
VhMEe AND RETAIL, 33 HANOVER ST. tJOLDER UNDUTCH are now receiving their Spring supply of AP R-HANHINGS, to which they invite the attention ot their friends and the public. Their assortment will be found to embrace the latest styies of GOLD and VELVET DECOR A-TICLVsIkAK, WALNUT and ROSEWOOD PANELING; GOLD. VELVET, SATIN and UNGLAZ-ED PAPERS, from the best factories of Europe and tius coin-try, which they offer on pleasine terms. tAPER HVNU in the city or country by careful workmen.
irr-The Hanginr. being under the immediate mipar-iaieudeneo of one of the firm, will be done in the best aALSO-A lare assortment of CURTAIN PAPERS, FIRE-BOARD PRINTS and WALL PAPERS, which are oilared to country merchants 11 the lowest prices. CARPETING! ALSH It CONRADT, NO. 1 NORTH (rAY STREET, Have now in store an entire new stock, just imported, consisting of BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. EE-PLY, SUPER AND FINE INGRAIN CARPETING; RUGS, MATS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, CANTON and COCOA MATTING, OIL CLOTH, Sec, 0-0ffered at the LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH.
tMy4rr- ARASOLS! FANS! UMBRELLAS! UMBRELLAS! Of every style and size. The laizsst stock of Parasols in the city, of every atyie and color, wholesale and retail, at Philadelphia and New York prices, as I am connected with'lioth cities and receiving new stylos every day. Also, Jit-pairing and Covering. ml tfr ISAAC COR B1TT. 93 Baltimore st.
WATSON'S TEN DOLLAR SEWING MACHINE. Kow on exhibition and for sale by ROBB1NS Sc. No. 6 Light St rest. Baltimore; Proprie'ors for the State of Maryland, and Agents for the entire Southern country.
State, County aud Town Riehts for this invaluable Mach ine for sale. Address as above. nil tfr. BARK, BARK, BARK. The undersigned wish to purchae TAN BARK, and will pay the highest cash price.
Persons having Bark for sale will make application at the corner of CENTRE and HOLLIDAY OR AT No. 86 SPEAR'S WHARF, Baltimore. tMy2, W4t BAYFIELD GREGG. JUST FINISHED and in store, a fine assortment of French ard fierman LOOKING-GLASSES. Con- s'antlv msmifjicfiiring plain and PORTRAIT ard PICTURE FRAMES.
Old wori refill with dispatch. Ixokir.e-glass plates inserted frames. The public Will find it to their advantage by eivmg me a call. JAS. FRYER, inl-2ir 37 S.
Calvert st. J' AMES A. HENDERSON Under Barnum's City Hotel, Take pleasure in announcing to their friends and the publie that thov have received their full snpplyof FRENCH SPRING BOOTS, GAITER BOOTS. SHOES nnd PUMPS, from the best manufactures of Fans, name in part: Glazed Opera Boots-, Moliere Shoes; Ville do. do.
WTalking do. Pumps; Elastic Gaiter Boots; French Slippers; r. Do. Ga iter Boots; Calfskin Boots; Enameled top Ilizh Lows; Cloth top do. do.
nimnn? emncr 11001-s; With a full assorment of our own manufacture. itiiiivi i-ii BOWEN Sr MERCER. No. 2 BALTIMORE Baltimore, Mfinufaoturers and Dealers in ETHEREAL OI Camphcn; Alcohol; Ln-d and Common OILS; also, Lamps, Girandoles. Chandeliers, Wick, Ac.
eotS14r CM EVER WARE. sii LVKR SPOONS. SILVER FORKS, SILVER TEA SETS. PITCHERS, WAITERS, and ail other artic'cs of eiegance in Sliver, manufactured by SAM'L KIRK SON, Established 1317. ml-tfr: 172Baltimore st.
TOCOUNTRY MERCHANTS. CAN FIE LD, BROTHER 229 Baltimore Street, oiler to the t'ade the lreest and most complete assortment of Wa'ches. Jewelrv, Silver and Platedware, rinciin. Watch Makers' Tool and Material. Fancy Gimk.
Pistols. A nt the lowest rites. fPA ml tflr RICH JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Ac A. E. WARNER, Gold and Silversmith, No.
10 NORTH GAY STREET, has just tipened a rich and varied assortment of FINE JEWiSLRY, embracing a variety of styles and pat-iertis 01 Broaches, Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger-Rinpe, Ladies and Gentlemen's Chains, Pencils and Pens, Cuff Pins, Buckles, Miniature Lockets, which are offered on the most accommodating terms. ONE HALF MINUTE. ANOTHER LOT RECEIVED' THOSE WANTING CAN HE SUPPLIED EVERY HOUSE-KEEPER WILL HAVE A ROTARY KNIFE CLEANER. ONLY fl POLISH LIKE SILVER IN HALF A MINUTE OR LESS, WITHOUT INJURY TO THE KNIFE THOUSAND ARE WORN OUT Bf THE OLD PROCESS OF CLEANING! READ-RE AD-RE AD! CALL ANN SEE! A CHEAP AND PERFECT KNIFE-CLEANING APPARATUS. This Machine is economical in use, and in no respects liable to pet out of repair, while the low prioe at which it is afforded places it within the reach of all.
Only 5:1 50. The Scientific American thus describes it: "The scouring is done by means of two rollers covered with woolen cloth. The knife is placed between the rollers which are then revolved by means of a crank. Most, of the old knife scouring contrivances are large, clumsy and hard to operate; but the present improvement is small, neat, portable, and easily operated. The lower roller turns in a tray which oontains the scouring powder or mixture, which is taken up by the roller and thus constantly brought in contact with the knife.
The peculiar manner of securing the woolen to the roller shafts, as set forth in the cluim, makes the cloth last for a very Ion? time and prevents it from ever becoming ragged. For famiiy use this invention is trvdy admirable." Half a minute will suffice to clean a knife thoroughlyall stains and marks are removed, and the knives polished to look like new. ITjr-Callandseefor yourselves. No family ought to oe without one. For sale wholesale and retail by MORTIMER Sc MOWBRAY, sol proprietors for the State of Mary lnr.d.
No. 240 BALTIMORE live doors of Charles street Baltimore. ml-tfr BAN K. We receive Deposits subject to cheek without notice. We are constant Lenders of Mo- von collateral security and pttrehase, at all times, Time Paper.
COLLECTIONS MADE. "We loan money on the hyoothecation of country notes, Bonds, Ac. The Exchange and Banking business promrt'y transacted in all its branches. LAND WAR RANT BANK We are payine for 160 acres $1 per acre; 80 acres per acre; 120 acres 96 cents per aerej 40 acres $1 10 per 1 joHlNiSTOI1? BROTHERS ml-tfr Bankers, 198 Baltimore street. BANKING HOUSE OF JO ST AM LEE ERARD GOVER, GEORGE P.
OVER, CHARLES S. LEE, GEORGE S. REESE. We will collect on all accessible points in the United States and Canada, and will purchase unourrent Drafts, Bank Notes, Coins, at the lowest rates. We will negotiate Loans and Commercial Paper, ana will purchase and sell in this and Eastern markets United States, State, City, Railroad and other Securities, on Commission.
We will receive Deposits in current and unourrent funds subject to check in like funds. Or we will receive Deposits in current funds ana pay out unourrent, crediting yjfl depositor with the current discount. Or we will receive Deposits in nncurrent funds ana gay out current, oliarging the depositor with the ourrent We wi'll allow such interest on Current balance as the activity and value of the Acoount will justify. And will trans" all business relatme to General Banking. (ml-tfr) JOSIAH LEE St CO.
BE AUTIFUL BR OWN SUGAR Loaf. Crushed and Pulverized do. Choice COFFEES and low priced delightful TEA of the Green and BBROVN STOUT, PALE ALE. For sale bf WM. H.
McLEAN, Family Grocer, njl.tfr) 52 North Charles st. prime and J( low-Driced Rio Coffee; crushed, powdered and oof. iee cugars: 1 kill vA HKT. Whisky, tOLL. for sale by ml tfr No.
128 N. Howard st RESH GOSHEN ue noww. fresh spring GOSHEN BUTTERtand will have on hand af all limes a supply, which LeSs8' b' No. 7 Commerce street. LOVERSEED AND FLOUR.
120 bush, prime Cloverseed quality. Super Fine and RYE FLOUR, tor sate the single barrel ntogfitfffl CARROLL, ml-tftr No. 126 N. Howard street. P- ORTLAN SYRUP.
lT 100 barrels PORTLAND SYRUP. tivinir nfti it lrom ew 1 orn. i For KalB to arrive oy J-n- ral-tflr 2 Commerce et. lOR HIRE A SERVANT WOMAN 8ixte-n 1 years old, and a GIRL thirteen. Inquire at iM maiSiso.n Avenue.
mi-2tt iaiiil. Altogether, more than iiOO.OUO warrants hnve befn issued, to satisfy which 25,000,003 fieri of land will le necessary. Six thousand warrants were issued under the same act to per-sons 1 tendered military or naval service in the ilcvohitir.ii!, or to their widows, requiring ucnrlv a million of acres to satisfy. J. R.
McCoy, of Georgia, has "been appointed physician to the I'd Paso and Fort Vurmi wagon expedition. James Annan, of Cumberland. has been appointed disbursing agent for the Fort Kearney, South Pass and Honey Lake wagon road expedition, vice Mr. Reall. resigned.
Tie President has recognized Krnest Angel-brodt as consul for the electorate of Hesse Cassel at St. Louis. Mo. Wm. Mdill, vie? Mr.
Whiflesey enters upon his duties as first comptroller to-morrow. Decline In Frrigiils Domestic and Foreign Bixcliange. New Orleans', April 29th. The market for freights continues dull, and cotton has been en-nag'td for Liverpool at 3-Kiths, the lowest point of the season. To Havre the last shipments were at per bale.
Exchange on London is quoted at per cent, for first-class signatures. On New" York, Philadelphia and Boston, 00 day bills are discounted at 14 percent. Mobile, April 20th. Freights ride quiet at. for Liverpool.
Exchange on London The weather is now very fine. Address of Secretary Stanton to tlie Citizens of Iinwrence. St. Leri.5, April 2i. Secretary Stanton ad-drcssetl a meeting of the citizens Lawrence, Kansas, last evening.
He was introduced by Governor Robinson. He repeated the general and most important points contained, in his address previously published. He said the "bogus" laws must be enforced and the territorial taxes paid. The latter proposition was decidedly negatived by the audience. The speech was listened to pleasantly and respectfully throughout.
Marine Disasters. alifax, April The ship Delta, from St. ThcniMS the 20th inst and Bermuda the 25th, arrived here to-dav. The ship Arabella, from Apaku hicola for Liverpool, was struck by lightning en the 14th instant and totally consumed. The captain and crew were rescued and taken into St.
George's on the 15th. The schooner II. W. Benedict, from Fall River for Chesapeake Baj-, arrived at St. George's on the 10th inst.
leaky and xvith loss of foresail. Annual Address Farrcll Discharged. AoaXT, April 29. Hon. J.
T. Headley, Sec retary of State, has consented to deliver the oration before the llermean Society, of Hobart Col lege, at ueneva, at tne commencement in my. "Mr. Farrell. an important witness in the Bur-deli murder case, has been tried on the charge of illegal voting" ahd discharged the court finding 110 wrong intention.
Found tinilty. Bosto. April 20. In the municipal court to-dav Roliert tullivan was convicted of the rape of Ellen Desmond. The law imposes confinement in the State Prison for life for the oflVnse.
Goodrich aud White, who were also implicated in the same outrage, which resulted in the young woman's death from the injuries received by jumping frenn a third -story window, are yet to he tried for the crime. Court Decision in Case of 3Iarrlase. Sprikg fieli. April 29. Judge Torbit today decided that the wealthy heiress.
Mrs. who recently eloped with a Mr-. Boyd, was at liberty to go to her husband. The case his been up on" a habeas corpus since Friday, and his pro duced much excitement, as both the parties are brgblv respectable. The young lady is the heiress of" a oi tune of SCj.ot-O".
From Salt Litlie. ST.Lori, April M. We have received lit Lake city advices to the 25th of February. Th? Legislature had passed an act for the organization of the militia of the territory, and a school had been opened to teach infantry and cavalry hi. 1 .1 laeues.
ne jesfrri ei i rws uas un ctniti" miiiu ing to prove that the federal government has no power to appoint territorial officers. Receipts and Exports of Cotton. New Orleans, April 20. The total deficiency in the receipts of cotton, at all the ports, is now bales. The exports hence to Great Britain, the past week, reached 25 000 bales a decrease of ti.OOO, as compared with the same week in 1-CO.
There were no shipments from Mobile to England during the week. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Tlte Pacilic Express Company. New York. April 30.
The failure of the I'i-cifi-i Express Company in California, it is announce el. in no way affects the house of the same name in this city. Their affairs are said to be in no way connected. Fire at Sandnslty. SAXDfiKT, April30.
Afire occurred here early motning, destroying the Sandusky Machine Company's buildings contents; also, several dwellings. Lss which is insured to the amount of Destructive Fire. ArsrsTA, Aprii 30 A fire occurred at Apala-chicolaon Thursday, which destroyed the Lnion warehouse, containing 2,000 bales of cotton, the post-office, and many stores and dwellings. The loss is estimated at Navigation of the Erie Canal. Fort Plain.
N. April 29. Commissioner Sherrill will have the eastern division of the Erie canal in navigable order by the 1st of May. The auditor refuses to pass boats at present. Xake Navigation.
ErrFALO, April 20. Navigation will probably not reopen before the 15th of May, if so soon. It depends entirely on favorable winds. Our harbor is still close'd by ice. S.
Steamer Niajgara. New York, April 30th. The steam frigate Niagara, hence for Europe, was spoken on Saturday 200 miles east of Sa.ndy,IIook, under sail and steam. Stajge of "Water in the New'Orleans, April 23th. The Mississippi is now five feet four inches below high water mark.
At the same period last year it was six feet below. Supposed Slaver. New York, April 30. The brig Ellen, which cleared at this port for Loando, was seized this aftei noon as a slaver by the revenue cutter Washington. Weather in Xexas.
New Orleans. April 20. Letters from Texas state that the recent cold weather had done much injury to the crops in various parts of the State. Erisrate NoRi oiK, 30. The steam frigate Saratoga, from Key West, arrived in Hampton Roads to-day.
The Weekly Srx. Tlifi r. much ahnired and highly entertaining story, entitled "Hkstkr Bfxpield," is erir.c'uiled in the current issue of the "Weekly Sun. Te ti.ose who have read the first part we need not commend the residue. It abounds with the most affecting interest, originality of incident, and is brought to a most piatifyinj; noutment.
Besides this we have another entertaining story cilfcd "The Two Wives," by Hetty Ho! yoke, and still another, of "Our Lanpeady," 8 Somn jmbnhbti 3 Ptory of New Orleans. Amongst "Mioeilany" for iheweekwe find a highly inttrestitifrreminiscenceof "Arnold's Treasor," as rarrated by Gen. Washington; "A Good Wife," "A Short Story," Riding," ice. fcC. Tiie agricultural columns contain, as usual, a variety of articles original and selected.
The eekly fsun contains always the latest foreign end domestic intelligence; correspondence on various subjects, peilitical and general; reviews of the markets, block, monetary ar.d commercial; valuable receipts; cim pter of it and humor, acd a selection of odds an! ends at once entertaining and instructive. Only oce dollar per year. Single copies, neatly enveloped for mailing, only three cents. IO" Brine in your prizes of yesterday at Clark's. Tolny 4,143, tickets 1 to 25 cents; tickets 5 to S'l 25.
Supplementary tickets at all prices. Marx land's Oldest Agency, corner of Baltimore and North streets. Parasols Altered from old to new style, and re paired and covered, at Pool's old stand. 450 Baltimore west of Pearl. Storekeepers having old stook on hand can thus have it made saleable.
Also, Pinking done in the most handsome and fashionable style. Stitch! Stitch! Stitch! Adams Family ami Trade Machine Stitchm Room, 116 Baltimore street, opposite Carroll Hall. All kinds of Family Stitching done to order, in small or large quantities. If you have not been there, Go there soon; And nee how neat and durable The work is done. Shirt Bobohis ...2 centa per row rist bands .3 cents per pair oiiars.
3 CPnrs eaen 1 cb iji per ipua. according to directions it will render furs soft anc gloss, and will retain their qualities for ten years. For further particulars see Circulars. I orsaieby tlie proprietor. No.
i75S vratoa between Green and I'aca; by J. P. Polk Co. oor. Fayette.
Mid St. Paul and by N. 11. Jennings 4c Charles street. "Woodland Cream," a Pomade for Beautifying the Hair, highly perfumed, superior to any French article imported, and for half the price.
For dressing Ladies' Hair it has no equal, giving it a bright, glossy appearance It causes Gentlemen'B Hair to ourl in the mots! riP.tiira manner. It removes dandruff always giving the hair the appearance of being fresh shampooed. Price only fifty cents. None genuine unless Signed Fetritjgk Ac. Proprietors the "Uaimof ft Thousand Flowers." For sale by Henry Taylor.
Sun Baildina: Selh S. Harce. U3 Biitunorot and by all Druggists. 1 TRS Preserved Frks of N. Freeman, Practical urner, strongly recommends his patent "Poudre Pour la for preserving Furs of every description, Cloths, ic, free of m.ths.
riiREASURV NOTICE. No' 1 that the SIX PER CENT. o'ici is hereby ivn STOCK of tha State 01 Alary land is-u-d u-d in pursuanca of 1. 1836, aud th'it issued of chapter 3 of I lecen- tier Se -sion 111 Djrsunnce of chapte! 351, of same session, will be rede-ned o-i the hist of July next, after which time said Stock will cense to infe-ef-t. The principal will be paid at the ofncie of the State Treasurer, in Annapolis, and the interest at "th Citizens' Hank of Baltimore.
D. CLAUDE, Tresure of Miryland. 3.000 DOLLARS REWARD. A REWARD OF THREE THOUSAND DOL-LARS will be paid for the apprehension and of the person or persons who SET FIRE to the unoccupied Dwelling House No. 3.17 Malison avenue, on MONDAY NIGHT last, the 27th mst.
J. I. COHEN, President Baltimore Fire Insurance Co. FRANCIS A. CROOK.
Treasurer Baltimore Equitable So. JOHN REESE, President Firemen's Insurance Co. JOHN R. MOORE, President Associated Firemen's Int. Co.
J. B. SEIDENSTRICKER, itil-tfcr President National Fire Ins. Co. COMMISSIONER OFFICE.
Ualti- MORI MORK. Ar-ri Sflih. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Wednesday, the 6th day of May, at ten o'clock A. for the repiir and keeping in repair all the City Pumps located in the iin-t el 'wn ward; ji'so for repairing and keeping in repair all tne City Pumps located in the rctnitninK wards oftbo city, commeucicg with the 12th ward and end mat with the 2Ctli ward. There are in each division or disTict slinut 4i5 pumps, in nil about avi ptimps.
DEEPENING AND CLEANING WELLS. FURNISHING NEW STOCK whm required by the Comiriissioner. aud alt other repairs, Ac, neces sary, except piving a round the purnps. wiU ba reiuired to Ve pei formed by the party or pirties who may receive tlie contract. The payments will be made quarterly as heretofore.
Security, such as shall be satisfactory to the City Commissioner, must bo named in the proposals for the fail hful performance of tiie work. Bv order, W. H. OUINCY. ml-ntj "cr Clk to the.
City Commissioner. THIS IS TO GIVE OTICE, That the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore city letters of administration on the estate of GEO. DEECKE, late of said city, deoeased. All persons having claims against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with tlie vouch ers trereol, to tlie subscribers, on or beiore tue lt day cf November next; they may otherwise, bv law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. AH per- sons indebted to said estate are requested to mtike immediate pnyment.
Given under our hands this 3 'th day of April 1357. EDW. W.M. DE VOSS, CHARLES BULLING. ml-law4t! Adninis'pi IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTIMORE 'IT Y.
rdered that the sale made and reportr by Nathaniel Cox. Trustee, fir the sale of the Mortgaged Estate of JOHN LEVI, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown or. or before the 22d day of May next; proviied a copy of this order le inserted in some newspaper printed in the city of Baltimore, once in each of three successive weeks, before the said 22d day of Mav next. Wr. H.
H. TURNER. Clerk. True copy-Test. W.
MURE EVIDENCE IN FAVOR OF MRS. COXS INDIAN Hi ii ABLE DECOCTION. I hireliv certify ha' uneol my youug servants was tokeii tick" in March. Our family physician was in attend nce. Siiert times seemcf to get better, then woise, she became so mieh worse that she eon: in get out of bed, and had to be attended lika an infant.
I had another and then another physician 1 calied in. until thee were ur in numbir at-enJmg btr. all of th-m gooj physicians, anl some of taem eminent. 1 feel confirt -Ht thai her disease baiiled the skill of all of them. They finally informed me she must die, and lrom diseased lunss.
I then by accident procnren one Ixittleof your Decocim," and beiore she taken tint i ottie etie was const icrabl better. I then and procured five bott'es four of them sti-i tn.V ar.d si, e. is now r.s strong and hearty a ever. I nvor Hitei.d to be without it in my house. I therefore t'ike sreat nre in recommending your Indian Ueeoct'on.
with a hope whiist you are instrumental in affording relief to sufferers it may prove a jutt retmnieiation to yon. I omitted to sny flii ser-vaid was sick from March to Nov. before she had jour meuiciue. Believe me yours with great respect; Jxo. P.
Smart. I.e eshnre, April 21, 1857. For sale by many of the principal Drug and other Stores tiiroughout the country, and by th proprietress, MRS. M. COX, No.
153 E. Baltimore sireet. Between Eden street and Central venue, formerly ai Baltimore, Md. Copyright Secured. iTNone genuine unless the name of the inventor Miiwn on the bottle, and stamped with her seal on tie cork.
ml-2tr BOERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS, The Celebrated Holland Remedy EOR DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, AVE A KN ESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, aHd the various atl cc' ion consequent up ma disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, Such an In lieestion. Acidi of th Stomach, Coliey Tains. He buns. Loss of Appetite. Despoadensy, Costive? ess, Blind and Bleeding Piles, lc ail Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and iu others effected a deai red cure.
This is a pirreiv vesetable compound, on strictly scientific principles, after tne mannered the celebrated Holland professor, Boerhave. Bsaause of its suceess in most of the European States, its introduction iiit-i the United States was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among then. I now offer it to tlie can public, knowm? that its truly wonderful medicinal vir'ues must be acknowledged. If is particularly recomnen-ted to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired br the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other dissipation.
Generally msta-taneousin effect, it nads its wiv directly to the seat of life, thrilling and norve, raising np the d.oopinj spirit, an in act, infusiag new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE. Whoever expects to find in this a beverage-will be disappointed; but to the weak, sick or low-spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed ot suigular remedial The great popularity of this del iehtful Aroma has induced many imitations, whioh the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaM hd to buy anything else, until you have given BOER WE HOLLAND BITTERS a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these "'sole pmpietors.
BENJAMIN PAGE. JR. Sc Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists. Pitts-bum, Pa. Price $1 per bottle, or six for fti.
For sa'e bv S. S. HANCE. l' Bait. SWEETER.
PR MARCHISFS UTERLNE CATHOLICON, LET HIM HEAR. Baltimore, Nov. 18, 1853. Dear Madam The duties of my business have exposed ine to coughs, oolds and asthma, and pulmonary affections. 1 have been deprived of the power of attending to the duties of my profession, anifshould have been, hsd it not been for the benign effects of your MEDICATED CANDY.
I tried it but a few hours before I began to reap the advantages of ita effects. Mr cough and hoarseness left me. MY LUNGS ARE HEALED, and my appetite greatly improved. I therefore have no hesitation in adding my testimony to that of the many who have experienced the benefits of your valuable Cough Candy. William Mercbr.
trice sk oenrs per paosao ura ior 1. UJ lim.VlJl UtUHIIIUi. SER oor. Charles and Pratt sts. .1 by HANCE, 108 uaitimore ana uwbki' UeSr LAND WARRANTS.
LAND WARRANTS of all sizes constantly wanted, for which the highest prices will be paid by SAML. HARRIS SONS, 'tMyqr 13 Baltiwort E. GLENN PER1NE, BANKER AND STOCK BROKER, ao. tsuu rrt si a All descriptions of STOCKand BONDS BOUGHT t.nd SOLD on commission. ml tfr? OFFICE OF THE CONSOLIDATED I AlTTJfi-R1ES OF MARYLAND.
The following a- tn drawn Numbers of PatApsoo Institute Lottery, Etra Class drawn April 30, 1857: 5 49 27 37 61 75 32 i 65 CO Tke following are the Drawn Numbers of Carroll Counjy Lottery, Class 18, drawn April 31, 1857: 6b 6i S9 72 6 57 81 75 48 59 41 St 00 68 R. FRANCE Sc Manager. D. H. McPHAIL.
rAmmixifmnr. tP WF. CARY, Astent fo plated Spring Pad Tr ers, SlMiuIder Braoes, Inhs for Dr. 8. Fitch's silver- Ttiirs.
Ahdomiaal Suooort- nlilin Tiilve. Six Leotures. Bud Medicines for tlie cureof Consumption, Sec; also. Dr. BanninK's Supporters, Riding and Money Belts, Shoulder Braces, Trusses and every description, made to order by W.
V. CAR 45 North Gat St Baltimore. Plated Busk and Steels for sale. MRS. W.
F. CARY has received another supply ot FRENCH CORSETS. VS-laf.